InnoFADER - Mini Inno Pro Fader (Upgrade for mini InnoFADER)
The new mini innoFADER PRO can turn any ordinary mixer or controller into a true scratch machine for minimal cost. It is available to manufacturers who want to take their products to the next level for minimal cost.
Now the mini innoFADER PRO offers unparalleled precision and adjustability. It can respond to DJ movements in less than a millisecond. And now the fader itself can be adjusted by controls on the front panel using innoJUSTER style controls. Previously such controls might be able to add dead space but would never go below 1mm or so. With the added controls, DJs can get the dead space down to 0.1mm for super tight and fast cuts, or go to 1mm or so for clean beat juggling.
The mini Innofader Pro comes standard with either a light tension for scratching or slightly higher tension for mixing. Other options include different stem types and height and grounded vs. ungrounded stem. Both grounded and ungrounded stems work but the grounded stems will also allow the fader to work properly even without a knob.